Tuesday, December 17, 2013

October 28, 2013

Hola mi querido Familia,

   ¿Cómo Está la familia de Boyd y la maravilloso estado de Arizona? Hace calor ahorita o está haciendo frio? Estoy muy algre y feliz estar aquí en managua nicaragua serviendo nuestro salvador Jesucristo, ésta semana pasado tuvimos era mejor semana y el Espíritu Santo nos guió a una familia escogido. 
   How is the boyd familia and the wonderful state of arizona? Is it hot right now or is it cold? I am so exicted and happy to be here in managua nicaragua serving our savior Jesus Christ, This past week we had was a better week and the holy ghost guided us to a chosen family. 
    The first week that I was moved from my last area of puerto cabezas to managua was a tough one. Me and my companion elder fuentes were left to start digging the soil where it was left. We had one family teaching but nothing much. But my amazing companion Elder Fuentes and I have been working hard to look to the lord and work with all our heart might mind and strenght. As we did we were led by the spirit to a family whos names are bety and jeffery. They are a family that we found this past sunday, the story that I had written to you guys thispast monday. They were the family that we found when we contacted the first house of references that we recieved.
   When we first contacted them we cold feel somnething different about them. We shared our testimonies of the gospel and how it can bless families and left them a phamphlet for them to read and told them that we would come back to see them on tuesday night. When tuesday came around I found that I had to go travel to another area to help teach a family with the other set of missionaries and so we ended up missing there appointment. friday rolled around and we had been working hard and the day had been long and I said a quick prayer to my father heaven that he could help us find a family to teach. Right at that moment I reliezed and remembered that I had forgot to go by the family bety and jeffery. So we went to see if they were there. They answered the door and the first thing she said was thank you for coming, we waited on tuesday for you guys to come but you didn´t come. We ask for her forgiveness and explianed what had happened and we began to teach her. WE found that she and her husband had read all the phamphelt together and filled out all the questions on her own and had a note book of questions for us. They were true golden investigadores. 
   I was shocked and through our visit the spirit guided us of what to say and do and all of thier questions were answered. Her and her husband came to church this past week and both enjoyed and felt so good while attending church. I asked the after church how they felt and they said that they felt so good and didn´t want to leave. I bore my testimony that the filling they were having was the spirit touching there hearts that the gospel is true and we invited them to pray to know for themselves if joseph smith was a true prophet of god and if the book of mormon was true. 
   I am so grateful for your prayers and for the guidance that our father and heaven gives to us. I know that there is much power in prayer and can help lead us to those who are searching for the truth. Something that I learned this week about prayer was to things. One is that when we have a desire we must take that desire and make a plan and present it to the lord. A lot of the times I have fallen into asking but not really listening afterwards or planning out in my heart what I should do. Thats why we plan each day and should always stick to the plan or else you forget and miss a appointment like I did. haha! and two that we should be praying always whether it is in our hearts or singing a hymn and when we leave to work or go to bed and the promise is there that the spirit will protect us, lead us, and each time we pray we will become more and more intune with our heavenly father. THis I testify in the name of jesucristo, Amen. 

Elder Boyd 

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