Tuesday, December 17, 2013

October 14, 2013

Dearest familia,
   NAhkisma familiki? I loved the haliorious videos that you sent... Its like it has never changed, with the two little monkeys running around love eachother and jjacob and erick being awesome. I loved seeing the wonderful beatiful faces of mom and jessie and by the looks of things everything is going so well. And Josh and trent what a hoot!! haha! It has got to be crazy fun talking in spanish to eachother just like the good old days. Its wonderful time to be alive and exciting times!
   Speaking of exiciting times we recieved (cambios) changes!! I am truly grateful for my padre celestial for the oppurtunity I have had to serve among these wonderful childern of god. The work of the lord moves steadliy and the lord has been truly merciful to allow me to have had so much wonderful time here on the alantic coast of nicaragua and to see so many miracles among this people. The last 7 months here I will never forget, and it seems as if it were a dream. Its been incredible to see in these past months 12 families and 31 people enter into the waters of baptism and perservar hast el fin...Yesterday night we recieved the news of changes and after 5 changes 7months in one area (Lamlaya) I have been called to embark to another area. My next area of service is back to the wonderful Managua Again!! Back into the same zone that I was in before called Bello Horizonte.
   The funniest part about going back to managua is that I will have had two christmas´s in the zone bello horizonte. Its going to be wonderful and changes always bring a freshness of life and excitment. It was truly the toughest thing today. From the early morning to the afternoon, me and another elder leaving as well, went by all those who have made a huge impact in our lives and truly are precious to our souls. As we visited one house to another I could not but hold back the tears of the joy and happiness that has come into my life because they are happy. Thats what the gospel is all about, helping all come unto christ and become perfected in him, as moroni chapter 7:45-48. Charity suffereth long and is ...the pure love of christ .. and whosoever is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him. One family that we reactivated with the help of memebers, has grown so much from ground zero to hold the melquesidic priesthood and holding a calling in the church. 
   As I went by a very precious recent converso ossmar and his wife doili. What a sweet and tender moment it was to be there in that moment. The spirit was so strong you could cut it with butter, as dad says..haha! I shared with them my last testimony of this work with them and shared how much I was grateful to have found them and for them being apart of my life. Before we left we said a final prayer and ossmar asked if he could pray. What sweet and tender words of the soul were heard that I will never forget. At the end of the prayer he began to cry. At the end of the prayer we I huged him tight and then said good by to his wife and darlin daughter ossmara. 
   I know that this is the work of the lord, he has many who are looking for the gospel of jesus christ. There is hope, joy happiness, to be found in the gospel of jesus christ. I want you all to know that I know that he is mindful of each and everyone of you guys. He prays for us as we pray to him. He leads us in each day and we recieve expierences each day that is helping us purify and refine our lives.
Like Moroni 7:48 procliams
                 ¨Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, ..THat ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all..who are ture followers of his son, Jesus christ; that ye may become the sonsof god; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is....That we may have this HOpe; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen.¨
    Thank you so very much for your many sacrifices and prayers in my behalf. I love you guys so very much and I can´t wait till the day that I will reunit with you guys. It will be memeroable. I talked with president collado the other day and I might have the option to extend my mission till 14 of may. will see what happens, it would be wonderful. Well till next time. God mai bribia kli wal prawbia kat (god be with you till we meet agian) in the name of jesus christ, Amen.
Elder Boyd

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