Dear family,
Woooow time is flying fast, and the work of the lord is termendous!! It has been such a wonderful time here with elder compton and in this area of ruben dario. Last friday as we were teaching some of our investidagores, we recieved a missed call from presidente collado.... we completed our lesson and as we were headed to are next appiontment we called presidente collado to see what we could do for him and why he had called. I called and he spoke to me first saying hola elder boyd how are you doing? working hard? I replyed si como siempre, Yes always. He then explained that he had a special assignment for me to accomplish if I was willing and ready to take on the task... I replied yes always ready to serve!
He then explianed that I was to be moved out of my area in the upcoming change and be moved to chinadega, the hottest part of nicaragua, for my final change and be called as zone leader for final 6weeks that are left. He then explained that my companion elder compton will be training, and that we had changes. Elder Compton is so exicted but a little nervous for the task. I told him that I know exactly how you feel for I once was in his shoes, but if he would put all his trust in the savior, he will be lead and guided. This week we have had some very special expierences while teaching and the spirit has been so strong as we have taught in unison, and the testimony of my companion. He has such a drive and exictment to share the gospel with all those that he comes in contact with and I know that he will find much success. He almost has the same age of jacob and he has reminded me of jacob much. As we are teaching I imagen sometimes that he is jacob and that I have had the chance to serve with him. I am so exicted for jacob, the mission is the best thing that has ever happened to me and it has helped mold me to become the man I need to be.
Today p-day was truly amazing. As we were eating for lunch, a very poor man came up to ask us for some food and water becuase he was hunger. So we began to talk with him to see if he was actually really hungery and sure enough he was. So we invited him to sit down with us as we ate and we shared what little we had with him and began to share our testimonys with him about gods maravilloso plan of salvation and that he loves us and wants us to be happy and if we keep his commmandments and endure we shall be saved. He loved it and we commited him to go to church. Right as we got down talking with the good old man, another man came up to us and said with curitosity asked ¿what church to do you two young men represent? we replied the church of jesus christ of latter day saints. I then stated that he always admired how we helped those around us and that he wanted us to come to his house and teach him and that he wanted to go to church this sunday. We always must be prepared and something that I have learned and has been the greatest blessing for me is always wear my mission clothes on p-days when I am not playing soccer or other sports. I have found that the lord blesses us and has many ready to learn more if we are ready.
I am so grateful for the extra time that the lord has blessed with to be able to serve his wonderful sons and daugthers here in nicaragua and to always serve him to the end. As time has past I feel much like enoch of old which was called to serve, and was not perfect in many ways of speech and in works and learning, but he was powerful becuase had a willing heart, was obiedent to ever commandment of the lord and served with all his might for his fellow men. The lord is counting on each of us everyday to share the gospel with those that our around us so that they can be brought to the fold. This saturday andsunday will be wonderful oppurtunitys to invite your friends and nieghbors to hear the words of living apostles and a living prophet. What A termendous blessing. Its as if peter of old who walked upon waters!! will be speaking to us in our lives and helping us over come our fears so that we to can walk upon the waters and not fall. I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week. Thanks for all you do.
Elder Boyd

Today was one of the sadest moments saying goodbye to my best friend and convert William!! What joy it has been to get to know him and once agian like all my areas I am sad to leave and so were they. We recieved word that I had changes
sunday night and as we passed by to saygoodbye he just gave me the biggest hug. This morning early we awoke and me and my wonderful companion elder compton, went jogging with him and then worked out. It was such a great time with him and our bound is so great. he reminds me a lot like josh in many ways in his personality and he has become my greatest friend as well his wonderful family a little ones. Hermana rosita the older lady is who has cooked our food for the past 6 months and we call her our abuelita rosita our little nica grandma. They have shown through their examples so much love and care. when ever we were discouraged or hungery we always knew we could go to our nica grandma and she would make it all better. She has taken care of missionaries cooking thier food and cleaning our clothes for 18 years.
I truly am going to miss this wonderful area and I don´t want to think of what it is going to feel like to have to say goodbye to nicaragua soon. I don´t let myself count the time so that I can be the best that I could ever be now. I love you all soooo much and I am exicted to see you all and have so much fun together. James and spencer keep up the great work and work very hard these last months of school, 110% no regrets, and that goes for you to.. Jacob and erick! boy it is wierd to think that you guys are growing up so fast. It was just like yesterday that erick was 11 and jacob was almost 16... Way to go bros keep up the great work. always say your prayers every night until you feel the spirit and you will feel so much better and sleep so much better. take care and see ya soon...